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The San Mateo County geography functions are designed to help clean and categorize geographic variables consistently.


Basic usage

This function uses regular expressions to clean up San Mateo County city names. Non-San Mateo city names will return an NA value. By default, the function assumes the variable you want to clean is called city and will save the cleaned results in a variable called city_clean.

data <- data.frame(
  city = c("Burligame", "Fost City", "San Mato", "Daily Cit", "S S Francisco", "South San Fransico", "SoSan Franc", "San Francisco")

data %>%

Additional options

If your input column is not called city you should pass the name of your city variable in the city_col argument. You also have the option of specifying the name of the variable for the cleaned cities. By default it is city_clean.

data <- data.frame(
  city_dirty = c("Burligame", "Fost City", "San Mato", "Daily Cit", "S S Francisco", "South San Fransico", "SoSan Franc", "San Francisco")

data %>%
  smc_city_clean(city_col = "city_dirty",
                 new_col = "smc_city")


Basic usage

This function categorizes zip codes into county regions. The expected input is a variable in a data frame and it will return a second variable with the zip region. The region options are: North, Mid, South, Coastside and “Not a residential zip” (for PO Boxes).

data <- data.frame(
  zip = c("94015", "94403", "94303", "94019", "94128", "94110")

data %>%

Additional options

By default, the function expects the variable of zip codes to be called zip and it will save the zip regions in a variable called zip_region. However, if your input column is not called zip you can override the default with the zip_col argument. You can also change the outputted variable name with the region_col argument.

data <- data.frame(
  smc_zip = c("94015", "94403", "94303", "94019", "94128", "94110")

data %>%
  smc_zip_region_sort(zip_col = "smc_zip",
                      region_col = "smc_zip_region")