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This function sorts 5-digit San Mateo zip codes into county regions: north, south, mid, coastside and "not a residential zip". Non-San Mateo zipcodes will return an NA in the city_clean column.


                           zip_col = "zip",
                           region_col = "zip_region")



This is the name of the dataframe with the zip code variable in it that you'd like to sort


(optional): This is a string that specifies the name of the zip code variable you want to sort. By default the function assumes the zipcodes are stored in a variable called zip


(optional): This is a string to specify the name of the variable with the zip regions. By default the sorted zipcodes will be saved in a variable called region_col


a dataset with a new variable for the sorted zip codes


data <- data.frame(
  cty_zip = c("94015", "94403", "94303", "94019", "94128", "94110")

data %>%
  smc_zip_region_sort(zip_col = "cty_zip",
                      region_col = "cty_zip_region")
#>   cty_zip        cty_zip_region
#> 1   94015                 North
#> 2   94403                   Mid
#> 3   94303                 South
#> 4   94019                 Coast
#> 5   94128 Not a residential zip
#> 6   94110                  <NA>