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This function is meant to be used on the output from the make_life_table() function. It will pull the life expectancy for a given age from the life table.


       start_age = 0,
       grouping_vars = NULL,
       include_ci = TRUE)



a data frame generated from the make_life_table() function


an integer for the start age of the age group for which you want life expectancy. Defaults to 0. Possible start ages are 0, 1 and multiples of 5 up to 90 (ie 5, 10, 15, 20...)


the same list of grouping_vars specified in the make_life_table() function


option to include the columns with the upper and lower 95% confidence interval for the estimate. Defaults to TRUE


a data frame with life expectancy for specified ages for each specified group


# step 1: generate data from which to calculate life expectancy
test_data <- data.frame(
  group = c(rep("phe", 20), rep("simulated", 20)),
  ages = rep(c("0", "1-4", "5-9", "10-14", "15-19","20-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40-44",
  "45-49", "50-54", "55-59", "60-64", "65-69", "70-74", "75-79", "80-84", "85-89", "90+"), 2),
  deaths = c(206, 37, 23, 23, 105, 162, 268, 314, 413, 584, 954,
            1359, 1912, 2824, 4507, 5851, 7117, 8192, 7745, 6442,
            232, 30, 41, 22, 194, 168, 315, 313, 406, 643, 963,
            1446, 1979, 2814, 4587, 5874, 7111, 8221, 7825, 6540),
  population_est = c(50698, 215400, 280458, 258105, 282062, 329060, 306097, 274544, 260415,
           267450, 311314, 324311, 296825, 271339, 284608, 228062, 162785, 111263, 58987, 26016,
           51578, 215512, 279462, 257256, 282348, 329111, 306514, 274397, 259847, 267045,
           311791, 323739, 297453, 271344, 285047, 227655, 162922, 110554, 58886, 26243))

# step 2: create a life table using the methods from Public Health England .xlsm file
le_table <- make_life_table(data = test_data,
                            grouping_vars = c("group"),
                            age_cat_var = "ages",
                            population_var = "population_est")

# step 3: pull out the life expectancy for each group
## 3a: get le for age 0 (typical estimation used) with confidence intervals
get_le(le_table, grouping_vars = c("group"))
#>        group obs_le_int ci_low_95 ci_high_95
#> 1        phe   78.32451      78.2       78.4
#> 21 simulated   77.99384      77.9       78.1

## 3b. get le for the age group starting at 30 without confidence intervals
get_le(le_table, start_age = 30, grouping_vars = c("group"), include_ci = FALSE)
#>        group obs_le_int
#> 8        phe   49.23220
#> 28 simulated   49.08431