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If you have multiple versions of the same data set stored in a folder, this will pull the newest or oldest file path. You can enter a path and/or a pattern to look for.


get_file_path(directory = getwd(),
             pattern = NULL,
             sort_method = "created date",
             sort_type = "newest",
             include_directories = FALSE)



a string specifying the directory in which you want to look. It defaults to the working directory


a string and/or regular expression specifying which files you're interested in

  • "created date" (the default): sort by the date the file was created

  • "modified date": sort by the date the file was last modified

  • "accessed date": sort by the date the file was last accessed

  • "newest" (the default): get the newest file based on sort method

  • "oldest": get the oldest file based on sort method


boolean to indicate whether or not directories should be included in your results


the file path as a string


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# get the file that was most recently accessed in a directory
get_file_path(sort_method = "accessed date", sort_type = "newest")

# get the first file that was created in a different directory
get_file_path(directory = "data", sort_type = "newest")

# get the most recently modified parquet file in a directory
get_file_path(directory = "data", pattern = "*.parquet",
              sort_method = "modified date", sort_type = "newest")

} # }